Sewage treatment plant process


Treatment unit description, Sewage treatment plant process flow diagram, Sewage treatment plant working

·         General

The proposed Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) of Capacity 20 MLD comprises of the following units,

a.              Primary Treatment System

i.          Inlet Chamber

ii.          Fine Screens

iii.          Grit Removal Unit

iv.          Parshall Flume

b.              Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) - C-Tech

c.              Chlorination System

d.              Sludge Handling

i.          Sludge Thickener

ii.          Thickened Sludge Sump and Sludge Transfer Pumps

iii.          Mechanical Dewatering Unit

iv.          Polymer Dosing System

e.              Utilities

i.      Plant water sump & pumps

·         Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)

·         Primary Treatment

·         Inlet Chamber

The Inlet chamber is provided at higher ground level to receive raw sewage from Raw Sewage Pumps through discharge Pipelines. The purpose of providing inlet chamber is to reduce the velocity of sewage (pressure flow) coming via pumping to achieve better efficiency in screening.


Inlet Chamber

Design Flow                                                           :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                    :             1 No.

Material of Construction                                       :             RCC



·         Fine Screen Channels

Raw sewage from the inlet Chamber flows by gravity into the Fine Screen Channels. There are two parallel fine screen channels provided, one for mechanical screen and another for manual screen. The Mechanical Fine Screen is step type screen with automatic mechanism to remove the floating and oversized material more than 6 mm size such as plastic, debris, paper and cloth rags that could foul the downstream units. These screenings mechanically collected over a conveyor Belt and conveyed through Chute to wheelbarrow / trolley positioned at Ground Level. Mechanical screen operation will be controlled depends upon the head loss across screen which will be monitored by differential level transmitter provided in the  screen channel. Manual fine screen is provided as standby arrangement and will be taken in working during maintenance of mechanical screen. Sluice gates are provided on the upstream & downstream of screen channels to regulate the flow and to isolate them for maintenance.


Mechanical Fine Screen Channel

Design Flow                                                          :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                   :             1 No. (1W)

Material of Construction                                      :             RCC

Mechanical Fine Screen

Design Flow                                                          :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                   :             1 No. (1W)

Material of Construction                                      :             SS304 wetted Parts

Mechanical Screen Type                                      :             Step type screen



Manual Fine Screen Channel

Design Flow                                                          :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                   :             1 No. (Standby)

Material of Construction                                       :             RCC



Manual Fine Screen

Design Flow                                                          :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                   :             1 No. (Standby)

Material of Construction                                      :             SS304 wetted Parts



·         Grit Removal Unit

The Screened Sewage from screen flows in to Vortex Grit Removal Unit for removal of grit and small inorganic particulates. The Vortex grit chamber is provided with Vortex Agitator, Grit Pump and Grit Classifier. The Chamber consist of an upper separation tank, where grit is removed from the flow and lower tank which stores settled grit. Within the Vortex grit separation tank a slow speed mechanical drive agitator regulates internal vortex action to ensure that while grit settles to bottom of the grit chamber, organics are maintain in suspension and carried out with the degritted flow. The vortex agitator driven by the geared motor located on the vortex grit chamber bridge. Settled Grit automatically removed from the vortex grit chamber on the time basis using grit pump located on the vortex grit chamber bridge. The grit slurry from the vortex grit chamber storage tank is fed through grit pump to external grit classifier for removal of grit. After de-gritting the sewage overflows into the outlet channel. Sluice gates are provided at the inlet and outlet of Vortex Grit Chambers to isolate them for maintenance.

Vortex Grit Chamber

Design Flow                                                          :             46.84 MLD

Number of Units                                                   :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)

Material of Construction                                       :             RCC

         :             Wetted Parts SS316 

·         Parshall Flume

Screened and de-gritted sewage from vortex grit chamber flows through Parshall Flume. The Parshall Flume channel is equipped with ultrasonic flow meter for measuring the flow.


Parshall Flume

Design Flow                                                           :             46.84 MLD

Quantity                                                                 :             1 No.

Design                                                                    :             As per CPHEEO standards

Material of Construction                                        :             RCC 


·         Sequential Batch Reactors (C-Tech)

Refer complete design and description of biological treatment process based on SBR (C-Tech) for 20 MLD capacity provided in section 4.


·         Chlorination System

Treated sewage from SBR flows by gravity into Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) through RCC Channel where chlorine is added for disinfection at suitable dosing rate to achieve the desired Fecal Coli-Form Standards. Baffle Walls are provided in the CCT to facilitate mixing of treated sewage. Adequate contact time is provided in the CCT to ensure proper disinfection of treated sewage. Weir is provided at outlet of the CCT. A Chlorination House is provided to house the Chlorination System comprising Vacuum Chlorinators, Water Booster Pumps, Interconnecting Piping & valves, Chlorine Tonners, Trunions / Roller Supports, Lifting Device, Safety Equipment and other Accessories.


Chlorination System

Design Flow                                                          :             Decant Flow

Number of Chlorinators                                        :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)

Chlorine Contact Tank

Design Flow                                                           :             Decant Flow

No. of Units                                                            :             1 No.

MOC                                                                       :             RCC


·         Treated Water Sump and Pumping station

Treated sewage from Chlorine Contact Tank (CCT) flows by gravity into Treated Water Sump. Treated Sewage pumps are provided in Treated Water Sump to transfer treated sewage from STP to starting of Nala.


Treated Water Sump

Design Flow                                                           :             Decant Flow

No. of Units                                                            :             1 No.

MOC                                                                       :             RCC


Treated Water Pumps:

Type                                                                 :             Submersible Pump

Material of Construction                                  :             Casing CI IS: 210 Gr. FG 260 with

    :             Impeller 2.5% Ni-cast Iron IS:210, FG 260

    :             Shaft SS 410

Quantity                                                           :             3 Nos. (2W + 1SB)


·         Sludge Handling

·         Sludge Thickener

Sludge Thickener will receive the sludge from SBR basin through SAS pumps. The Sludge Thickener is designed to thicken the sludge from SBR. The sludge enters in feed well zone it underflows & spreads in the main tank for effective settling. The sludge settles and thickens on the sloping floor of the tank from where it is mechanically scrapped towards the central pocket for sludge collection & discharge. The thickened sludge from the Gravity Sludge Thickener is collected in sludge sump and then pumped to centrifuge using centrifuge feed Pumps. The supernatant overflows into effluent launder and sent to Filtrate/Centrate sump by gravity.

Gravity Sludge Thickener:

Design Flow                                                 :             Sludge from SBR

No. of Units                                                  :             1 No.

Solid Loading Rate                                      :             25 - 30 kg/day/m2 Solid concentration in thickened sludge       :            3.0% (minimum) Hydraulic loading                                  :             12000 liters/day/m2


Thickener Recirculation Sump and Pump:

Thickener Recirculation sump is provided to maintain the hydraulic loading of Gravity Sludge Thickener along with individual recirculation pumps.


Thickener Recirculation Sump:

Number of Units                                                  :             1 No.

Detention period                                                  :             0.5 hr.

Material of Construction                                     :             RCC


Thickener Recirculation Pump:

Type                                                                   :             Submersible Pump

Material of Construction                                   :             Casing CI IS: 210 Gr. FG 260 with

    :             Impeller 2.5% Ni-cast Iron IS:210, FG 260

    :             Shaft SS 410

Quantity                                                            :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)


·         Thickened Sludge Sump & Pumping House

Thickened Sludge generated from thickener will be collected  into the thickened sludge sump by gravity. From sludge sump, sludge will be fed to the solid bowl type centrifuge by screw type pumps. Sludge sump is complete with submersible mixer for sludge mixing.


Thickened Sludge Sump:

Design Flow                                                          :             Sludge generation from Thickener.

Number of Units                                                   :             1 No.

Detention period                                                   :             12 hr.

Material of Construction                                      :             RCC

Sludge Sump Mixer: 

Type                                                                        :             Submersible

Material of Construction                                        :             SS304

Quantity                                                                  :             As per Requirement



Centrifuge Feed Pump:

Type                                                                  :             Progressive Cavity Pump

Material of Construction                                  :             Casing Cast Iron IS 210 Gr. FG 260

    :             Rotor SS316 Hard chromed plated

     :             Shaft SS316

Quantity                                                             :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)



·         Mechanical Dewatering Device

Sludge dewatering is carried out by Solid Bowl Centrifuge. Two numbers (1W + 1SB) of Mechanical Dewatering Devices are provided to dewater the sludge. Thickened Sludge from Thickened Sludge Sump is fed to Solid Bowl Centrifuges for dewatering to the required consistency so that it can be easily disposed off. The centrate from sludge dewatering machine shall be sent to filtrate/centrate sump by gravity. Polyelectrolyte is dosed online at the inlet of Centrifuge to enhance sludge dewatering efficiency. The dewatering system is located at first floor so that the de-watered sludge can directly collect into trolleys / drums / bins without use of any material handling unit. Polyelectrolyte is dosed online at Centrifuge inlet with minimum dosage of is 3 Kg / Ton of dry solids in sludge at 0.2% solution strength. Two numbers (1W + 1SB) of Polyelectrolyte Dosing Tanks are provided. Each Tank is equipped with Slow Speed Mixer to prepare Polyelectrolyte solution. The solution is fed to Centrifuge using Positive Displacement type Dosing Pumps. There are dedicated Dosing Pumps provided to each Sludge Dewatering machines. The Pumps are interlocked with Mechanical Dewatering Device.


Sludge dewatering unit

Design Flow                                                          :             Thickened Sludge from Thickener

Type                                                                        :             Solid Bowl Centrifuge

Quantity                                                                :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)

Polymer Dosing Tank:

No. Polymer Dosing Tanks                                :             2 Nos. (1W + 1 SB)

Material of Construction                                  :             RCC


Polymer Dosing Tank Agitator:

No. of Agitator                                                     :             1 no. / tank

MOC of Agitator                                                  :             SS316


Polymer Dosing Pump:

No. Polymer Dosing Pumps                              :             2 Nos. (1W + 1 SB)

MOC                                                                       :             Body: CI,

                       Wetted Parts: PP



·         Filtrate / Centrate Sump and Pumps

Filtrate / Centrate sump is provided to collect thickener supernatant from thickener and centrate from centrifuge. Filtrate / Centrate pumps are provided to transfer Filtrate / Centrate to inlet chamber.


Filtrate / Centrate Sump:

Design Flow                                                          :             Filtrate / Centrate from Thickener. & Centrifuge

Number of Units                                                  :             1 No.

Detention period                                                 :             20 min.

Material of Construction                                  :             RCC



Filtrate / Centrate Pumps

Type                                                                        :             Submersible Pump

Material of Construction                                  :             Casing CI IS: 210 Gr. FG 260 with

:             Impeller 2.5% Ni-cast Iron IS:210, FG 260

:             Shaft SS 410

 Number of Units                         :              2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)

·         Plant Water Pumps

Plant water Pump is provided in Treated water sump for gardening, cleaning of equipment, flushing of pipelines and general purpose.


Plant water Pumps

Type                                                                  :             Submersible Pump

Material of Construction                                  :             Body: CI, Wetted Parts: SS

   :             Casing CI IS: 210 Gr. FG 260 with

    :             Impeller 2.5% Ni-cast Iron IS:210, FG 260

   :             Shaft SS 410

Number of Units                                               :             2 Nos. (1W + 1SB)
